Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I eat diabetes for breakfast.

Miss China.. out there...want those boots.

Have a lot to do on this site so please bear with me.

The TV people called today (post-poned due to rain) and said I could join in on the Sydney Weekender shoot. Turns out the location was further west than I had anticipated plus I have a lot of unwrapping & texturing to get through so I passed on the opportunity. Priorities.... although if it was paying....

@talsit_de_cod pointed me to a sweet website, Dorkbot, a place of creative and weired collaborations. Worth checking out, there is something there to tickle everyone's fancy.

Watched some Co-op on Revision3 tonight. For the record; if there is a zombie crises, I will grab my shot gun but I won't pack my bags because if you can't do it naked than it's not worth doing. I might wear sparse, carefully placed armour to keep RoboticButt happy, otherwise it'll be "Keep warm!" *grumble grumble* *BLAM! headshot* "you'll catch a cold" *grumble*
Co-op latest episode did inspire to get some Gears of War 2 action in at some point within the next few days. It's been a few months at least.

Almost ate a whole packet of sherbet bombs to myself today, that's ok....(not really), did 4hrs exercise yesterday and 3 & qtr today. Half of that exercise is weights, the other half is light cardio while I do work.

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