Saturday, August 22, 2009

Highway to the beer zone

I went to the Australian Gaming Expo last Monday, which I've been to every year since 2003 (or was it 2004?) It gives a chance for people employed by gaming companies to go check out what the competition has on offer, then sneak off and drink with workmates or sneak home early.

For publicans and club honchos, its an opportunity to see new games/tech and wheel and deal.
It became apparent several years back that there wasn't much follow through with the pubs/clubbies and empty promises were being made. The lure of booth babes and show girls and the scattered beer lounges clouded their minds and did exactly the opposite flesh and booze intended.

They have kept at least one beer oasis going at the show in the recent years of the funtime cut back. It has been funny to witness the evolution of the anti probation, from handing out sample sizes of light beer to full serves of full strength beer.
This year I saw a total of three booth babes, of those three, two were at Azure stand and a Polaroid camera was at the ready for a memento with the babes. I wanted one but missed out. Hopeully, I'll post a photo soon.

WMS Gaming booth had easily the knock out of the show with their Top Gun system. The sound is incredible. Many cabinets have been long installed in American casinos, it'll be interesting to see how many are installed in Australia. I personally see TG being a hit with punters, for novelty reasons, it's staying power is a matter of maths.

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